Dear Mother of all Life, Bless us.
Hold us in the deep womb space, in the Mystery,
where we are always cared for and nourished with abundance,
where we stop all the pushing, the efforting, and rest instead in our very own beings.
Dear Mother, help us remember who we are.
Connect us with our Source within. Illuminate our hearts.
Align us with the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars.
Teach us to love each other.
Teach us to see all the good we can co-create together.
Share with us how to live in our wholeness
and bless you in the process.
Dear Mother, we are actively listening.
We are ready to surrender.
Together we commit to building a more beautiful, flourishing world
of peace and harmony, joy and equality, for all beings.
Dear Mother, let us be Crowned in our divinity
and Throned upon these new gardens of Creation.
This is our prayer for ourselves and humanity.
And so it is.
Om Shanti Om.