Peaceful Protest

On November 18th, 2017 and again on Dec 3rd, I led the meditation in front of San Francisco City Hall for our silent peaceful protest, a gathering planned and organized by my badass sister, Brooke Montgomery Waterhouse. We had about 150 people attend and sit with us the first gathering. Over a hundred in December. I offered some words of guidance, a female politician spoke, local artists donated their time to design flyers for the event, Brooke’s son Zander sang a song for us, and we had 2 musicians bring their gongs and crystal bowls to offer their beautiful sound healing and singing. There was a table with information on how to be of service, how to get involved to help strengthen our local communities, and ways you can take action against the hate crimes people were experiencing at that time.

The silent protest was very grounding and encouraging for me. Many approached and shared that they couldn’t partake in the other protests but one that focused on peace felt right in their hearts. I was nervous at first. This was the first time I had ever addressed a group that large for meditation. I simply had no context for it other than it was just a bigger circle, and circle I knew. Seeing people’s smiles and feeling their joy as we set up for the gathering put my fears to rest. I enjoyed creating an altar for us, bringing in the four elements of air, earth, fire and water. I felt the energy pulsate all around me. I experienced bliss being there with everyone, holding the container for our minds and our hearts to simply pause in community and bring peace to the discord that was being felt around the elections. Our collective energy was focused on unity and togetherness. Activating the silent wakeful presence within us, we were shifting the field of consciousness with our intention to send vibrations of love into the collective field and to build stronger interconnected communities that help to heal and elevate us all. It was powerful.

Deeply honored to be a part of this collective rising.
There is power in our silence.
Even 5 minutes of consistent mediation can bring more peace into your life and into our world.
May all beings everywhere be free with peace.