Living Peace
Today was one of the best days of my career. Ran walked into my sanctuary, looking as radiant as ever, sat down and said “I am done with my cancer. It is no longer in my body. I am healed from this, finally.” She was bathing in light.
My heart leapt up with joy. I’ve been working as a mentor to Ran for the past 16 months, guiding her process of healing herself naturally from an aggressive form of breast cancer. The emotion which quickly followed this pure joy rising was relief. She continued, “even though my measurements still show signs and I can feel that my body still holds some of the contraction, I have realized that if I want to be fully healed, I have to act as if I am fully healed. So long as I believe I still need this or that to heal, I am holding onto my cancer and not creating my complete health.” (The sound of Yes repeated again and again ringing loudly in my mind and being) “I’m going to stop seeing my UCSF doctor who only tries to instill fear. She keeps me out of the trust I need to have for myself to believe in my ability to fully heal.”
I smiled at her and we breathed, gazing into each others eyes, anchoring and consecrating in this new awareness, this truth, this peace.
“Thank God,” I exhaled and gave her the biggest hug and several high fives. I have known for some time now that Ran had to leave this doctor, ever since I first learned of the malicious and deceptive advice she had been forcing upon Ran in all their meetings. Despite Ran’s cancer indication numbers dropping in half and her breast tissue radically feeling different, much softer than when she and I started, this doctor has never been supportive of Ran’s personal power and choice to heal herself naturally. Nor has she taken the time to listen and understand what has been going on in Ran’s life to learn the cause of Ran’s cancer in the first place.
Although I have been here all along as Ran’s guide, I know that the best decisions are those we choose for ourselves. Our awareness heals. When we learn to open up our own awareness to the messages we receive directly from our bodies, we harness our own power to heal. When our bodies are in pain or discomfort, it is a message, a signal our body is sending to the conscious mind for the conscious mind to choose to believe something different. We are our beliefs. Removing negative, unsupportive, non believing people from your life is one the most powerful steps you can take to heal yourself. Each one of us has the power to create our own reality, but we must choose this for ourselves.
I felt elated knowing that this beautiful woman sitting before me had finally found the secret elixir to life. I have been sharing these teachings since day one, holding space, guiding and facilitating all along the way the emotional release that needed to come before this moment, to prepare her psyche and the ground of her being to finally believe in herself. My relief rose because by choosing this new belief that she is done, she will be done. Now that she understands the great power within, she can drink from the eternal wellspring of her own heart’s love, from the Source of creation. For love has the power to heal all things.
She said to me, “I finally get it, Vonetta… everything that you have taught me, I finally get it.” I reveled in the light of her truth, of her courage and discipline, of the sparkling energy I watched before my eyes, and our beautiful journey during this last year and a half toward this very liberation. I continued ogling her, allowing her to fully feel the magnitude of her words, and while I sat witnessing, my whole being pulsating with euphoria. Just one month before this visit, my prayer for Ran was that she would be done with her relationship to cancer, and through this she would be freed.
During our session, Ran also shared that she had recently launched a blog that follows her healing path—sharing specific stories from her journey, transparency of her medical history, along with books, tools, resources, and recipes. Ran believes she needed her cancer and her entire healing journey to find herself again and reclaim the love she has for life. Ran is becoming a leader in the natural healing movement for cancer and is awakening daily to her many spiritual gifts. She has just become a Reiki master. Her site features beautiful photographs she took herself and she has translated the entire blog into Japanese, her native tongue. Please celebrate and pass on this powerful portal of empowerment.
I am blessed, honored and grateful to be walking beside this Earth Angel.
I feel truly met in my service I offer the world today. Somehow, seeing this innate knowing in Ran feels just as important as clearing the cancer biologically. For with this knowledge, I know she can create anything. I hold a vision that all human beings realize the power and potential they have within. May we cultivate and harness the Love within for generating more good, to help those in need, and for elevating our frequency to receive the new 5D reality.
Love you all.